
Sector numbers

Minas receives more than 2.6 million 
tourists per month

Growth of
% +
above the national average

MG is a priority for the Ministry of Tourism

Number 1 for municipalities on the
The amount of tourism-sector investments documented in Minas Gerais in the first months of 2023

totalled R$592 million

Tourism in the state created over
new jobs in 2022

The state has Brazil’s highest number of

declared UNESCO Cultural Heritage sites, such as the Sanctuary of Senhor Bom Jesus de Matozinhos, in Congonhas, and the historic town of Ouro Preto. 
Minas Gerais is Brazil’s
third-safest state

Minas is among the 10 most welcoming regions in the world

(Traveller Review Awards 2023, da

According to Traveller Review Awards 2023,
three of the ten most welcoming places in Brazil are in Minas Gerais (Monte Verde, Lavras Novas, and Serra do Cipó). 
PATRIMÔNIO CULTURAL 1 Bens registrados pelo Iepha-MG Bens tombados pelo Iepha-MG Inventátios pelo Iepha-MG Fonte: Iepha-MG (2023) Patrimônio Agricola Mundial pela FAO/ONU: Sistema Agrícola Tradicional das Apanhadoras de Flores Sempre Vivas pelo lepha-MG Bens reconhecidos dos municípios pelo ICMS Patrimônio Cultural (exercício 2024) 297 hens materiais, 510 bens Materiais tombados * número de municípios com tombamentos federal (212), estadual (263) 4 807 9 184 5400 6 Patrimônios Culturais da Humanidade pela Unesco Jongo do Sudeste, Modos de Fazer o Queijo Artesanal de MG, Ofício do Mestre de Capoeira, Roda de Capoeira, Ofício do Sineiro, Toque dos Sinos e Matrizes do Forró Bens Imateriais em MG pelo Iphan:
Minas Gerais has Brazil’s largest natural collection
of waterfalls, caves, and caverns,

such as the Tabuleiro Waterfall, the third-biggest in the country.

Inhotim, the world’s biggest open-air museum,
is located in the MG town of Brumadinho.
Lines of Funding


Funding line for companies conducting economic activities related to the Tourism Sector productive chain, and registered with federal government tourism facility CADASTUR.

Tourism Service Providers are defined as:

Accommodation spaces 
Tourism agencies
Tourist transport companies
Event organizers
Theme parks
Tourist campsites  
Service provided to clients with turnover of more than R$4.8 million per year

Line of

Fundable items: Civil works for installation, expansion, and modernization of tourism ventures, along with the associated working capital;
Limit amount: R$15 million per economic group;
Term: Up to 120 months, including up to a 24-month grace period.

Line for acquisition of goods:

Financeable items: Acquisition of goods for tourism enterprises, along with associated working capital; 
Limit amount: R$10 million per economic group;
Term: Up to 60 months, including a grace period of up to 12 months.

Working-capital line:

Financeable item: Working capital for tourism enterprises;
Limit amount: R$10 million per economic group;
Term: Up to 60 months, including up to a 12-month grace period.

Interest rate: National Consumer Price Index (INPC) + 5.0% p.a.

Exemption from Tax on Financial Transactions (lOF)  

Mapping of credit line
amount offered = allocation
of more than

R$67MM from the federal government’s General Tourism Fund (FUNGETUR)

(to date/September 2023)

Difficulties faced by companies  
in accessing the fund:

failure to demonstrate business feasibility in the credit analysis sphere; 
difficulties in providing guarantees for operations.

Source: Minas Gerais Development Bank (BDMG)

Talk to a specialist

Anamélia Sousa Tagliaferri

Strategic Advisor
(31) 972278704
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